
Governance structure at The Robertson Trust.


The Robertson Trust is a charity registered in Scotland, Scottish Charity Number SC002970.


Corporate Trustee Board

The Trust has a Corporate Trustee structure. The Corporate Trustee of The Robertson Trust is Kintail Trustees Limited.


The Directors of the Corporate Trustee have general control and management of the administration of the Trust and are therefore the “charity trustees” for the purposes of the 2005 Act.


The Corporate Trustee Board has twelve independent Trustees and meets at least four times each year to approve awards, review the performance of the Trust and oversee delivery of the Trust's strategy. As a result of the of the Trust’s new strategy, the number of committees reduced from seven to four in May 2020. These four committees are responsible for specific aspects of the Trust’s governance. The ultimate decision on matters handled by all committees rests with the Corporate Trustee. 


Audit and Risk Committee 

The Audit and Risk Committee reviews and recommends systems of internal control on financial and governance issues and oversees risk management.  It also reviews the draft annual report and accounts and meets with the Trust's external auditor. It meets four times a year. 


Investment Committee 

The Investment Committee reviews and makes recommendations on the investment strategy of the Trust and on the appointment and performance of the Trust’s fund manager to the Corporate Trustee Board. It meets four times a year. 


You can read our Investment Policy here


Investor Relations Committee 

The Investor Relations Committee facilitates the relationship between Edrington and the Trust. The Chair, Non-Executive Director, Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer of Edrington meet with three senior Trustees and an external Robertson Trust committee appointee. It meets at least four times a year.


Nominations & Remuneration Committee 

The Nominations and Remuneration Committee is responsible for recommending the appointment of new directors of the Corporate Trustee and senior executives of The Robertson Trust. It also reviews the remuneration of the Director and the Senior Management team of The Robertson Trust. It meets when required.