Our strategy

Our new strategy for 2020-2030 sharpens our focus on helping to improve the lives of people and communities with experience of poverty, trauma or both.

"At the heart of our new strategy is a recognition of the heavy but unnecessary burden that poverty and trauma place on the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, and the detrimental impact that can have on their long-term future."

Our strategy sets out why we are focusing on helping to further understand and alleviate the effects of poverty and trauma on our society, and how we hope to do this.

It underpins all our activities, including the funding we offer, and guides the way we work. It builds on our experience over six decades and on our strong relationships with others across the third, public and private sectors.

Our strategy 2020-2030

Below are key highlights from our strategy.

Vision, mission and values

Our vision: A fair and compassionate Scotland where everyone is valued and able to flourish.

Our mission: We are here to prevent and reduce poverty and trauma in Scotland, by funding, supporting, and influencing solutions to drive social change.

Our values

We are ambitious: We are not afraid to take on difficult issues and will take risks in pursuit of positive change. We underpin our approach with curiosity, agility and a commitment to learning and continuous improvement.

We connect: We work collaboratively and are informed by the knowledge and experience of those we work with. We are compassionate in our interactions and value quality relationships based on honesty, understanding and support. Our independence is a valuable asset, but we recognise that working with others makes us all stronger.

We act with integrity: We take personal and collective responsibility for our actions and how we use our resources. We are trustworthy, consistent, and open about our successes and failings. We welcome challenge and feedback in order to improve our work.


To fund: Our financial resources are one of our greatest assets. Over the next 10 years, we expect to share over £200m directly with organisations working to alleviate poverty and trauma in Scotland.

To support: Over the course of the strategy we wish to support capacity and skills development within the third sector and communities.

To inform: We want to use our experiences over the course of the strategy to build and inform our own practice, and that of others.

Find out more about what we do to achieve each of these objectives – go to What we do

What we’re interested in

A wealth of knowledge already exists on how people and communities are affected by poverty, trauma or both. Over the period of this strategy we will build on existing knowledge to inform the development of our work in three key areas:

Financial security: addressing the financial and material effects of poverty on people and communities.

Emotional wellbeing and relationships: ensuring people have emotional wellbeing and confidence, and strength in their relationships with others.

Educational and work pathways: equipping people for the future through learning and skills pathways.

We will also build a better understanding of why certain groups of people are more likely to be affected by poverty and trauma.

Find out more about these areas of interest in Our Focus


Through our own experience and consulting with stakeholders, we have identified ways of working that we believe are likely to support positive outcomes for people experiencing poverty and trauma. Over the course of the strategy we will explore how to embed these within our own work, and how others are using them. These include:

Community: Communities have a crucial protective function by providing people with networks, relationships, support and often a sense of purpose.

Relationships and rights: Considering the specific needs and rights of people as individuals, guided by the fundamental principles of fairness, dignity and respect.

Collaboration: The scale and complexity issues around poverty and trauma requires a joined up and collaborative approach, often across sectors.

Find out more about these Approaches

Strategy 2020-2030 overview

TRT Strategy Summary

Strategy 2020-30 full version

TRT Strategy Full