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Voices: Saheliya

The latest group in our Voices series is Saheliya, a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for black, minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+) in the Edinburgh and Glasgow area.
Alison Davis October 2020

Pushing against a return to the 'old normal'

With the recent launch of the Trust’s 10-year strategy Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, looks at how funders and the third sector can work together to tackle poverty after the pandemic.
Peter Kelly October 2020

Join us for our funding webinars

Book your space at one of our upcoming webinars to find out more about our new funds and how to apply.
TRT Staff September 2020

Launch of our new funds

The guidance for our new funds is available from today, meaning Scotland’s charities and community organisations will be able to access funding to support work which aims to alleviate the effects of poverty and trauma on individuals and communities across the country.
TRT Staff September 2020

Event: We need to talk - How conversations enable system change

As part of Challenge Poverty week, this free event offers a space to consider how talking can and does result in system change.
TRT Staff September 2020

Voices: Stirling CAB

In our Voices series, we share the stories and opinions from our funded organisations who are helping to find solutions to poverty and trauma in Scotland.
Interview by Hayley Hutchison September 2020

New 2020-30 strategy launches

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new strategy for 2020-30.
TRT Staff September 2020

Strategy update: What to expect from our funds

The Head of our Giving Team, Lesley Macdonald, gives an update on our funds ahead of our strategy launch later this month.
Lesley Macdonald September 2020

An intern in exceptional times

Robertson Scholar Connor McAuley is a fourth-year Physics student at Strathclyde University. Here he shares his reflections on his summer internship, completed virtually in unusual circumstances.
Connor McAuley September 2020

What's new with Social Bridging Finance

Early findings from the evaluation of a funding model which aims to bring together a working partnership of public sector, third sector and independent funders to drive positive change.
Terri Merricks September 2020

Preparing for the launch of our new strategy

Our new strategy will launch later this month.
Shonaig Macpherson September 2020

New CEO appointed

We are delighted to announce Jim McCormick's appointment as new Chief Executive Officer of The Robertson Trust.
Press Office August 2020

Three new Trustees announced

Campbell Robb, Dr Ligia Teixeira and Donald Workman have joined The Robertson Trust's Board of Trustees.
Press Office August 2020

Mentoring update from a Robertson Scholar

This Q&A with Robertson Scholar Katie Gibson gives a glimpse of her relationship with her mentor on our Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Career Pathway.
Katie Gibson August 2020

Capacity building with the Social Enterprise Academy

Find out more about SEA's blended learning programme, which offers opportunities for self-directed learning, facilitator-led learning and group coaching.
TRT Staff July 2020