News July 2024

Impact Report 2023

We are pleased to share the first impact report of The Robertson Trust under our current strategy. It starts to tell the story about our contribution to change and what this means for what we do next.

Over the last couple of years, we have been developing and testing an Impact and Insights Framework. This guides our approach to learning and aims to draw a line of sight between the changes we want to see in Scotland and what we do in our work to fund, support and influence.

It includes core questions for us to consider at different stages and prompts pauses to reflect and ask:

  • What have we done and why?
  •  What is the impact we are contributing to and how is that change happening?
  • What does that mean for what we do next?

We have structured this impact report around those questions.

This is the first time we have reported in this way, and we share now in the spirit of openness. 

>> Read the full Impact Report here.

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What do you think? Does this chime with the work you are doing or how you are thinking? What have we missed? Do you have questions or ideas for us?

If so, please get in touch with us through email at