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Could you help us to build lasting solutions to poverty and trauma in Scotland? We're looking for a new Chairperson of our Board. Our closing date for applications is Sunday, 18th August 2024.
TRT Staff July 2024

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Join our Board: We're Looking for a new Chair!

Could you help us to build lasting solutions to poverty and trauma in Scotland? We're looking for a new Chairperson of our Board. Our closing date for applications is Sunday, 18th August 2024.
TRT Staff July 2024

Big change that lasts: £2.5 million awarded to fourteen projects in Scotland

Fourteen projects with potential to lead to big change that lasts on poverty and trauma in Scotland will share just over £2.5 million as part of our latest Programme Awards.
TRT Staff July 2024

Impact Report 2024

We are pleased to share the first impact report of The Robertson Trust under our current strategy. It starts to tell the story about our contribution to change and what this means for what we do next.
TRT Staff July 2024

Chair of The Robertson Trust Celebrated at UWS Graduation

The Chair of the Robertson Trust, Mark Batho, has been recognised as part of University of the West of Scotland’s summer graduations, marking the alignment between our values.
TRT Staff July 2024

Vacancy: Technology Services Officer

The Robertson Trust are looking for a Technology Services Officer, based in Robertson House, to provide technical advice, training and support to staff and key stakeholders. The closing date for applications is 7th July 2024.
TRT Staff June 2024

Vacancy: Funding Officer (Fixed Term)

The Robertson Trust are looking for a 12-month fixed term Funding Officer, based in Robertson House, to assess applications to Our Funds, provide support to grantholders and collaborate on our project work. The closing date for applications is 14th July 2024.
TRT Staff June 2024